Alright read and read well because not tru Alright read and read well because not truer words are ever gonna be spoken, you can do anything you want without limitation, whatever it is that you decide you want to make come true in you life, you can do that. It id gonna take an inhuman amount of work, you are gonna have to be prepared to break yourself in half you are going to have to learn more than anyone has ever asked you to push yourself before you are gonna go way beyond your breaking point. you are gonna run until you vomit you are gonna study until you fall asleep.
You are gonna push some more and when you hit the limit you are gonna push again beyond that you are gonna force yourself to an adaptation response and why? because malcolm X said the future belongs to those who prepare for it today. So if you dont put the work in today if you don’t do the unending back breaking work of developing yourself into something greater the world is gonna pass you by. The people that are going to own it are gonna be the ones that did that work the one promise that i can make you right now is that somebody-somebody out there is out working.
Somebody right now is doing the things that i am saying somebody right now is doing the work of failing and getting better and pushing themselves and triggering that glorious adaptation response that makes human the apex predator. Someone right now they are putting in that work and if you dont the future is gonna belong to them and as Martin Luther King Jr, said if you can’t fly than run, if you can’t run, then walk, if you cant walk then crawl but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. it’s not okay to make excuses, it’s not gonna slow people down, it’s not okay to ask the world to stop so that you can step out front.
It is not okay to expect little of yourself and demand great rewards, the only thing that is okay is to be in line with the way that the world really works and if you want to be great you have got to become capable of greatness, you have got to develop your skill set, you have got to take what you have now and if that is crawling then crawl but you drag yourself ever forward to a vision of yourself that is so clear and so specific that nothing could knock you off your path because you my friends know exactly where you are going you willing to pay whatever price.
It takes to get there and no matter what anybody says no matter how many hecklers come for you. no matter how many people try to throw dirt on you, try to stop you, try to knock you down no natter how many people come for you at night while you sleep, you will rise and you will keep pushing forward and you will get better every day and no matter how many times people chop at you, knock you down, knock you off the path you will get back on, you will crawl til you can walk, you will walk till you can run and then you will run until you fly and that my friends is the only path forward.
As Derek jeter said, there may be people who have more talent than you but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do, at the end of the day whether you believe in talent or not is completely irrelevant. Everyone should believe in hard work, everything in your life is a literally a result of that. You born an infant a lump of flesh that can’t even hold its own head up and yet somehow by practicing, by learning, by growing you are able to get better. You are literally incapable of anything when you are born every skill that you have in your life all the things that you take for granted at one point you couldn’t do them so understanding that humans truly are an adaptation machine and that they capable of acquiring any skill that they want but it requires hard work it requires that you do the reps.
It requires that you put in the effort and at the end of the day the people that you are going to surpass are not going to be people that have less talent than you maybe they even have more talent than you it’s going to be the people that you are willing to outwork but until you are willing to outwork them you are always going to be stuck and as john lrving said to do anything really well you have to overextend yourself and that’s the key er words are ever gonna be spoken, you can do anything you want without limitation, whatever it is that you decide you want to make come true in you life, you can do that. It id gonna take an inhuman amount of work, you are gonna have to be prepared to break yourself in half you are going to have to learn more than anyone has ever asked you to push yourself before you are gonna go way beyond your breaking point. you are gonna run until you vomit you are gonna study until you fall asleep.
You are gonna push some more and when you hit the limit you are gonna push again beyond that you are gonna force yourself to an adaptation response and why? because malcolm X said the future belongs to those who prepare for it today. So if you dont put the work in today if you don’t do the unending back breaking work of developing yourself into something greater the world is gonna pass you by. The people that are going to own it are gonna be the ones that did that work the one promise that i can make you right now is that somebody-somebody out there is out working.
Somebody right now is doing the things that i am saying somebody right now is doing the work of failing and getting better and pushing themselves and triggering that glorious adaptation response that makes human the apex predator. Someone right now they are putting in that work and if you dont the future is gonna belong to them and as Martin Luther King Jr, said if you can’t fly than run, if you can’t run, then walk, if you cant walk then crawl but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. it’s not okay to make excuses, it’s not gonna slow people down, it’s not okay to ask the world to stop so that you can step out front.
It is not okay to expect little of yourself and demand great rewards, the only thing that is okay is to be in line with the way that the world really works and if you want to be great you have got to become capable of greatness, you have got to develop your skill set, you have got to take what you have now and if that is crawling then crawl but you drag yourself ever forward to a vision of yourself that is so clear and so specific that nothing could knock you off your path because you my friends know exactly where you are going you willing to pay whatever price.
It takes to get there and no matter what anybody says no matter how many hecklers come for you. no matter how many people try to throw dirt on you, try to stop you, try to knock you down no natter how many people come for you at night while you sleep, you will rise and you will keep pushing forward and you will get better every day and no matter how many times people chop at you, knock you down, knock you off the path you will get back on, you will crawl til you can walk, you will walk till you can run and then you will run until you fly and that my friends is the only path forward.
As Derek jeter said, there may be people who have more talent than you but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do, at the end of the day whether you believe in talent or not is completely irrelevant. Everyone should believe in hard work, everything in your life is a literally a result of that. You born an infant a lump of flesh that can’t even hold its own head up and yet somehow by practicing, by learning, by growing you are able to get better. You are literally incapable of anything when you are born every skill that you have in your life all the things that you take for granted at one point you couldn’t do them so understanding that humans truly are an adaptation machine and that they capable of acquiring any skill that they want but it requires hard work it requires that you do the reps.
It requires that you put in the effort and at the end of the day the people that you are going to surpass are not going to be people that have less talent than you maybe they even have more talent than you it’s going to be the people that you are willing to outwork but until you are willing to outwork them you are always going to be stuck and as john lrving said to do anything really well you have to overextend yourself and that’s the key